We have just wrapped up two units on decimals. We will spend the next three months working very hard to "make the connection" between whole numbers, decimals and fractions. The ability to understand and utilize fractions is a necessity for success in future math classes.
Any time you find yourself using fractions at home try to involve your student. Ask your child to help you read a recipe and complete the measuring. Allow your student to decide how many pieces the birthday cake needs to be cut into and let him/her execute that skill. If you find yourself measuring a wall in your closet to determine how large of a shelf to install, have your child hold the tape measure and determine the measurement, etc. The more "real-life" activities your child has to use his/her knowledge the better they will be at owning that information.
On Monday, we will begin studying the basics of fractions: factors, numerators, denominators, GCF, LCM, simplifying etc. Check out the corporation website www.plymouth.k12.in.us for our daily/weekly assignments. Once there, click on Riverside, then Homework, then Stars Homework. That's us...we are the "Stars." This information is updated every Monday and will show the work for all six academic subjects.
Friday, November 03, 2006
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